Is Tantric Massage different from Erotic Massage?
The simplest answer to this is only you can judge based off your own experiences. In Tantric Massage you are asked to get naked just like an erotic massage
In Erotic Massage you are asked to disrobe and then oils and lotions are used to protect the skin. The client is also draped in sheets or towels. After a session of Erotic Massage or deep tissue you will probably feel relaxed and sleepy. After a session of Tantric Massage however, you will probably feel relaxed and energized. Both are great for sexual satisfaction though!
These styles of bodywork/massage address many of the same issues. Both reduce stress and both address injury recovery and pain relief. Both address the skeletal muscular system although Erotic Massage has more focus on the muscles while Tantric Massage is more focused on the fascia and the joints. Overall for one to say tantric massage is different from erotic massage they would have the be sure about their own experience and how they are comfortable during the treatment
Tantric Massage adds another layer of healing with the use of the meridians and points of Chinese medical theory. This is a dynamic healing system that has evolved from ancient times to remain relevant today, and is also the basis of acupuncture. We use this system to balance the body’s energetics, which we don’t consider to be separate from the physical body.
All bodywork therapies continue to evolve as modern science gains new understandings of anatomy, physiology and physics. And all practitioners develop their own style over time regardless of what system they use.