The benefits of a prostate massage

Getting a prostate massage is not something they teach you about in sex ed- I mean they don’t teach you much of anything in sex education- other than how to expand a tampon in a cup of water. Thankfully we have the internet, our loyal health nurse who is with us wherever and whenever we…

a massage for every mood

A Massage For Every Mood

  The beauty of being human is that we often experience a bunch of emotions all at once. Sometimes this is a nuisance but other times, it can be an exhilarating journey. This is particularly the case when you take advantage of this whirlwind of unpredictable emotions and guide them towards something worthy of a…

giving a magical body to body massage

10 Ways to Give a Magical Body to Body Massage

  Adult Massage therapy is an art. Learning how to give a truly relaxing, sensual and mind-blowing body massage takes determination and years of training. An erotic massage is like lovemaking – intimate and a secret shared between two lovers that is deeply personal. It’s blissful and perfect and in that moment, you never want…