v day on a budget.fw

V-Day on a Budget

Valentine’s Day on a budget?: try an erotic massage Ah, Valentine’s Day. It’s the day when you’re expected to show very wild and public displays of affection, and while we want to remember that it’s a day for showing love and not flashing the credit card, it’s hard to do anything without money in this…

A to Z of asian massage types

The A-Z of Oriental Massage Therapies

How many Asian massage types do you know? With hundreds of Asian massage therapies to choose from, you’re pretty much spoilt for choice. There are various different types of Chinese, Korean, Thai and Japanese techniques that you can experience, and they branch off into traditional massages and erotic / sensual massage practices. How would you…

massage therapy medicine, massage as a medicine,

Massage therapy is good medicine

Are you aware massage therapy could be excellent medicine? Massage therapy is good medicine and us used around the world – If doctors knew the true causes of health and healing, they’d be prescribing massage therapy to most of their patients rather than prescription drugs. Massage therapy is good medicine, and it’s a far more…