What is Erotic Massage
Erotic massage has been around for several centuries in countries all around the world. and is the most ‘sexual’ of all massaging types. During this massage, the massage therapist focuses on the erogenous zones of the client with the aim being able to arouse him/her. Erotic massages are not however a new thing as. They have been in society for quite a long time albeit carried out in a more secretive manner. There are many ways nowadays to enjoy this luxury outside of the bedroom, and even more ways to learn how to reintroduce it back into yours. Modern day erotic massages outside of the bedroom are used as a means of complete relaxation and sexual relief. Erotic massage was once only used as a sexual means and it focused solely on the sexual parts of the body.
History of Erotic Massage
As far back as the seventeenth century, there existed a thing called genital massage, which was a medical treatment in Europe to heal women from hysteria before the use of modern medicine. Pieter van Foreest advised this technique in 1653 to cure a disease called “womb disease”. After that several scientists and doctors explored the field of female sex and sexual pleasure. The Kama Sutra, the ancient sex guide, has been around since the tenth century.
As for Kama-Sutra, this doctrine has brought a unique technique of achievement of pleasure in to the world erotic culture. Also it has brought to our intimate life the whole scale of exciting aromatic oils and aromas. These oils, which by their sensual influence are capable to enlarge pleasure from erotic massage for several times. Their unique properties can influence the perception of the person. Helping to wake up sensuality, sexuality, and also help to feel something new. It has been used within (sexual) relationships ever since.
Erotic Massage as Medical Treatment
The Genital massage was performed on women by either a physician or a midwife. This form of treatment was popular to both the women and the physicians. The physicians knew the women were never at any risk but would still need the treatment constantly. Every now and then, the husbands would be asked to assist if the procedure was seen to be taking too long. Several massage techniques in both Asia and Europe have been used to help cure several diseases and increase the health of a patient.
Erotic massage has existed alongside the more medicinal massage techniques. When massage devices for erotic massage were invented in the 19th century the development speeded up and more people got in touch with erotic massage techniques. Nowadays erotic massage is used within (sexual) relationships and can be performed by a professional masseuse in several parlours. Erotic massage has been accepted as a technique to improve physical and emotional health. It can also boost the sex life of the client. Erotic massage or sensual massage has come a long way and has proven to be a significant part of our lives around the globe.
Differences Between Traditional Massage & Erotic Massage
The normal traditional massage (Swedish and deep tissue massage for example) is the most basic form of massage therapy. The massage therapist uses his/her hands, fingers and feet to perform the massage. Generally, Swedish massage is considered to be the most common type of massage, and hence can be referred to as normal massage. The main difference between normal massage and erotic massage is the areas of focus. The massage therapist works on different parts of the body which trigger sexual excitation. Erotic massages are often performed for pleasure but can also help treat various sexual health problems the client may have.
Our charming masseuses are ready and waiting to take your call. They can be in your hotel room or private apartments within 30 minutes or less depending on traffic or time or day. If you are from the London area then why not check out our Erotic Massage Page for more information on how to book or just simply more information about the services that we offer.