Is Tantric Massage Sexual?
Are we saying that tantric massage has nothing to do with sexual arousal and stimulation? The answer is obviously “No” because sexual stimulation is neither sex. Tantric massage is therefore the application of sensual touches on the body’s most sensual parts and organs including the nerves to enhance the feeling of erotic stimulation. Tantric massage is a part to spiritual awakening of the body, mind and sexual organs which involves hundreds of methodologies to achieve the goal including but not limited to skin kneading, Swedish strokes, aromatherapy, Californian massage techniques, use of music to stimulate and enhance mode and much more . This might include special meditation, eating in a specific way, special body touches that are sensual in nature and other methods of meditation that involves sexual union.
In tantra massage we consider the union of opposite sex known as the “yin” and “yang”. This divine union of opposite sexes takes tantra beyond apparent separation and these activities could take place massage parlours, saunas, studios, business premises and or even at the comfort of your own home. With industry experience the masseuse can immerse your body and mind into deliverance, become born again and enhance your discovery of your inner powers and strengths in the sexual world.
Normally, when tantra massage begins, the receiver is usually laying face-down and the yin and yang avoided allowing the masseuse to concentrate on all parts of the body from head to toe and allowing the receiver to relax and to be completely comfortable and at ease with the massage procedure. There after the sensual touch of yin and or lingam is then applied to intensify and enhance the state of arousal which may includes stoking and gentle massaging of the penis or the vagina and other sensitive parts of the body.
With that being, it is also possible to offer tantra massage without the touching od the sexual body parts because it involves working energy. “Lingam” and “yoni” energies can be heightened and stimulated via the spin and body energies. It is worth mentioning here that; orgasmic experiences are never an essential part of tantric massage though being a part of the procedure, and clients could even experience and attend full and explosive orgasmic state without taking off their clothing. Different masseuses from different parts of the world may use different techniques where majority usually the stimulation of the genitals to unify the sexual organs practice with the body in its entirety.
In summary, tantra massage is therefore the art rediscovery and born-again through the sensual touch of the body, invigoration of the senses and natural energies present in any human being. It does not have to involve penetrable sex or the involvement of sexual intercourse. However, it might involve as an aside but should be called tantric massage. Sex is neither a bad thing. Sex is good for all mature human beings. So tantra massage comes a lot of sensuality as we have learnt and practice in the past till now. The process also involves both the giver and the receiver being completely naked and calls for full-fledged stimulation of the erotic organs of the receiver usually of opposite sexes which means the receiver can either be lady and the give a male and vise versa. The end result is usually multiple organisms on the part of the receiver who is usually the client. Men are wired completely very differently from women and the purpose of the nakedness is usually aimed at helping the masseuse to transfer her warm and heated energy through the man’s body as men became animals when they see a woman’s nakedness that does not belong to them.